I Carry You With Me (Post Exhibition)

Here are post exhibition shots from Greensboro Project Space back in April. The first two emphasize the piece titled, Floor Of The Ephemeral, Chalk on floor, 2018. 

The Floor Of The Ephemeral

A moment to keep with you,

To make your mark in my world,

And take my world with you


Floor Of The Ephemeral, Chalk on Floor, 2018

Joined, Metal, Wood, Acrylic Medium, Paint, Thread, Vellum, Wax, and Flowers, 2018

Joined, Metal, Wood, Acrylic Medium, Paint, Thread, Vellum, Wax, and Flowers, 2018

Mama's Swing, Wood, Paint, Chain, and Metal, 2018

Mama's Swing, Wood, Paint, Chain, and Metal, 2018

Untitled(Door), Wood, Glass, Acrylic Medium, Ink, and Thread, 2018

Untitled(Door), Wood, Glass, Acrylic Medium, Ink, and Thread, 2018

Untitled(Clothesline), Wood, Sponge, Paint, Wire, Fabric, and Acrylic Medium, 2018

Untitled(Clothesline), Wood, Sponge, Paint, Wire, Fabric, and Acrylic Medium, 2018